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Re: Home Security ?

Hi Marcus,

Sorry to hear about your break-in.  I had one myself a few years ago
but luckily not much was taken.

--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "Marcus Warrington" <marcusw@m...>
> Just got back from a business trip to Southern Ireland to find that
we were
> burgled during the night. SWMBO and the kids were asleep upstairs
at the
> time
> and is now very nervous about being in the house on her own. She's
started a
> campaign with the kids, to "persuade" me we *NEED* a dog.
> point of view a dog isn't very automated so a burglar alarm system
seems a
> better bet :)

Well, a dog is for more than just a burglar alarm so you should get
one for the kids anyway :)

It's well worth having an alarm.  In my case they only took what they
could quickly grab and get out with since the alarm would have gone
off as soon as they went past the hall entry zone.  The monitoring
centre also calls the house immediately which would probably have put
the wind up them as well, so you might want to think about that
option (which isn't expensive).

> From looking over past posts it seems COMFORT is the proffered
> system of most people.

I've just got a standard basic alarm so can't comment on Comfort, but
it'll do everything you need (although I'm not sure about the PBX).

One thing I've added since the break-in, which I'm sure acts as a
major deterrent, is security cameras (just cheap B & Q ones) and
prominent notices saying "CCTV in use".  Hopefully any potential
thief is going to think twice if they're going to be caught on camera.

I actually had two cameras sitting in the living room waiting to be
installed when they broke in.  Just shows you should never put off
the important jobs....

David P.
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