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RE: Query on wiring and Cbus

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Query on wiring and Cbus
  • From: "Rob Mouser" <rmouser@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2003 22:20:08 -0000
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Hi Des

OK bear with me here. I'm a little fuzzy (Large curry and quite a few
lagers! Screen and keyboard non to clear :-))

Pink cable: =A350+VAT Trade
4 button e2000 switch: =A354.00+VAT Trade

>From memory (I'm not a sparky!) 5amp is the 'practical' limit on 1.5mm

I would personally not feed a sub-consumer unit with 1.5mm or 2.5mm. I
*think* wiring regs would not support this as they would say that there
is a risk someone might put a higher ampage feed from the unit. i.e.
sockets or shower.
I have secondary consumer units in my barn for c-bus, they are fed by
32amp mother of cables complete with separate earths. The sparky would
not do it any other way. A complete bitch to run though!

Wiring regs and c-bus is one almighty grey area which I am currently
researching. Clipsal admit that much of the regs just don't recognise
SELV type apps like C-bus. A good example of this is c-bus switches in

Extract from c-bus technical:

What is the position re using Clipsal switches in a bathroom - does it
comply with IEE regs (BS7671) ?? C-bus operates SELV which according to
the regs you could install a c-bus switch in the bathroom, however if
you are NICEIC/ECA registered they will fail your installation. It's one
of these grey areas which in time will resolve it self by understanding
and the number systems being installed.



-----Original Message-----
From: Des Gibbons [mailto:des@xxxxxxx]=20
Sent: 01 March 2003 19:49
To: Ukha_D@Yahoogroups. Com
Subject: [ukha_d] Query on wiring and Cbus


OK, I have been tracing the cable routes from the consumer unit to the
1st floor void and attic with the intention of home running power feeds
back to the consumer unit for each light fitting to connect to some cbus

Then I had a thought, power is already run to each area in the form of 2
x 1mm t&e cables, so if I place the cbus units on the first floor, and
in the attic, I will dramaticlly reduce the amount of homerun cabling I
need to do.

So assuming the 2 x 1mm T&E will provide enough juice to power the cbus
dimmer, and the light fittings on each floor, can anyone see any
problems doing it this way? (If the 2 x 1mm T&E aren't enough, I can
always run 1 or 2 2.5mm T&E easily)

All the switches are being homeruun to a different location anyway, so
it is only the power cables to each fitting.

Oh, and do the wiring regs say anything about doing it this way?

Cheers, Des.
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