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Bad week for technology

Just though I'd share my woes with you, it's been one of those weeks....

1 Dropped mobile phone, cracked case, and keyboard totally knacked.  Now
with Nokia for repair (having replaced the case first ;-), though a phone
should be able to take the odd knock)
2 Robomow is refusing to charge either of the 2 batteries, so grass now
getting long
3 Digibox mysteriously refusing to display Sky1, all other channels are
4 One of the HDs in my main PC is starting to squeak, and is causing random
problems (change of voice (on the PC, not me), loss of bluetooth keyboard
drivers, various X10 commands not being sent) etc etc.
5 Wavefinder died (that's not at all unusual), but it's now consigned to
junk bin.

All this in a week.  Luckily I haven't got a stinking cold and a baby that
doesn't like to sleep much, otherwise it would really get me down.  Oh, I
have.  Bugger.

I'm sensing a conspiracy, maybe I should start making some foil hats

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