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advice needed for weak signals and noise

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: advice needed for weak signals and noise
  • From: "jmj050856" <jmj050856@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 11:15:52 -0000
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Hi folks,

I have recently entered the world of X10 and despite many frustrated
days and nights (I've even resorted to reading the instruction
manual) I still can't get things working. I have identified 2 main
problems though, so really what I need is some advice on how to
correct them.

1) weak signals - using the periodic event technique described in the
HomeVision manual, I sent 'ON'/ 'OFF' sequences every 2 seconds to a
specific address. I carried around the plug-in transceiver module
with a light and went to each socket. It worked in nearly every
socket. Much to my frustration, other normal lamp and appliance
modules set to the same address and plugged into the same sockets did
not. I also have a DIN dimmer which also seemed to work fairly
consistently. So the only conclusion I came to was that the signal is
too weak for some modules, specifically the plug-in lamp and
appliance modules which appear to not be as sensitive
as other modules.

2) electrical noise - Admittedly, I have a lot of electrical equipment
plugged in (several PCs, stereos, printers, etc. etc.). Many of the
smaller devices (such as wireless LAN basestation, mini-hubs, etc.)
have low-voltage power supplies and/or transformers. My main
powerstrip (where most of my computer equipment is plugged in) is
passing through a plug-in filter, and this does seem to help
locations close to the office. It has no effect on other locations
further away where the TV, DVD, etc. etc. are located.
I have tried unplugging all of this equipment and it does help, but
not enough to allow all of the X10 devices to work. I also tried
bringing the (HomeVision) controller closer to this area and
everything worked fine.

In summary, based on extensive plugging/unplugging I've located
several noise hotspots in my house which need to be filtered.
However, even with all of that unplugged and/or filtered, the X10
signals still seem too weak for some modules.

I don't really want to go the cBus route because I simply don't want
to rewire my house. However, I need to have consistency and
reliability and at the moment I have neither. I don't necessarily
want filter modules plugged in everywhere and they wouldn't solve
the 'weak signal' problem anyway.

Before I start investing in several filters, repeaters, and
amplifiers, does anyone have any suggestions on sorting this out or
at least recommendations on the devices I should use?

Many thanks in advance,

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