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Re: (OT) Backup EX2000

>So... there is any specific reason not to build another server and move
>It is as Point and Click as possible and without any risk for you...

Only that it is just that, - a MOVE, not a COPY....

>The backup is good if you want to restore the mailboxes on the same

If you want to backup mailboxes, you have a couple of options....

One is to build a recovery server, which is a slightly different process
than just building an additional server in your existing organisation/site.

Another is to use the EXMERGE tool, which can bulk extract mailboxes to
files, whilst leaving the orginal server mailboxes intact. Exmerge can also
be used to import those .PST files back into either the same, or another
Exchange server, and can even be used to transfer mailboxes between EX5.5
EX2000. If all you want to do is to take backups of mailboxes, this is you
simplest option. However, this does NOT backup your Exchange directory
information - just the mailboxes....

However, as previously noted, the EX2000 config is in the AD, so you just
need to make sure you have good backups of that in order to be able to


Pauil G.

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