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RE: FirM

Stuart wrote:
> ah right, but you could release a patch though? I was jst
> thinking that Frank might like to have a go, then he can
> advertise it on the lIRC group or something (if they allow
> that kind of thing)
I am new to Linux - relatively so and really don't understand the
process of producing patches especially with Kernel driver code.
Doesn't LIRC force you to actually compile the code anyway?

The LIRC code owner has offered to link to a site with my code on it -
just have been slow in getting it up there.  However since Glenn has
requested a copy of my code I have been forced to write a few notes
hence should be doable soon :-0  Given Frank's support and kindness to
date it should be the least I can/should do - just have to finalise the
commision deal with Frank so that when he sells his first 100,000 units
...., also didn't want to have Frank flooded with orders until he had
his production line set up :-)


  • Follow-Ups:
    • Re: FirM
      • From: "Frank Mc Alinden" <fmcalind@xxxxxxx>
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