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Re: Re: Mv1000 camera issue

> This is how I set my camera up and I couldn't get the MV1000 to
the camera :(
> Has any one got this to work this way (before I start delving into
whether I've duff leads or camera). I know its not the MV1000 as it >
fine with my digital camera.

It definitely works with the T piece and the terminator.  However one other
problem I have found with some of the response cameras was that you got no
picture when I had it wire up as scart -> scart adaptor -> RCA ->
Chatting to Keith on the way back from Fatty's the other week he suggested
that the grounds in the scart plugs may not be joined together and this
turned out to be the case.  The common on the incoming scart was being
mapped to a different pin to that on the outgoing scart adaptor.  Hence the
grounds weren't mapped through to each other.



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