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Re: [OT] USB - parallel....

> >Linksys and netgear make these beasts, but if the printer contains
> >then a
> >USB printer port device they wont work, so multifunction printers,
> >ones
> >with inbuilt gee-whizz features wont work.
> >
> >
>Oh ARSE! - it *is* a multifunction printer/scanner/copier/fax
device.... I
>can well imagine that this might actually be a common problem with
>such USB-Parallel converters or print servers....  after all, how many
>parallel port scanners do you see these days!

OK, next thought....

The objective is mainly to make it seamless for SWMBO to use, as is
currently the case with the old HP Jetdirect... - it "just works"
(tm) all
the time, is always on, and is not dependent on having one of our PC's
permanently on in order to share it... (We both use the printer equally as
much from both of our PC's). Therefore I particularly wanted to avoid
sharing it from one or other of our PC's as this means that the machine
be permanently on, and if it crashes etc. then the printer goes too (nil

As it would seem likely that because of its multi-function-ness it will
to be connected via a USB port, I'm left with a few choices...

a) Build a dedicated PC based print server machine, based on some small,
quiet hardware (ITX?) - still has all the disadvantages mentioned above
though, with the added disadvantage of extra expense! - In fact the only
plus points might be lower noise and running costs than leaving one of our
workstation PC's running all the time...

b) Connect it to my current fileserver, which *is* on 24/7, :-)  but
unfortunately is two floors down at the opposite end of the house... :-(
(however.... I am about to have a chimney breast removed right through two
floors, and will have an obvious & easy cable route between the two
in a few weeks...)

c) Use a USB data-switch box. - this one currently has my vote, *but* I'd
really like it to be a seamless operation for SWMBO to use it, so I'd like
to find one that auto-switches between ports as required, like the old
parallel port ones used to....

The point then....

Are there auto-sensing / auto-switching USB switchboxes available, such
I could connect the printer simultaneously to both mine & SWMBO's PC's
have it automatically connected to either PC when required? (ie when data
appreared at one port?)

I know I can theoretically extend USB over CAT5 cable, - has anyone got
actual first-hand knowledge of this working, and over what distances? - I'd
prefer not to use the 5M active USB extension cables for a couple of
reasons... 1) I'd need a number of them, - possibly right up to the upper
limit of 5 which is both expensive, and as I'd have to bury them in the
plaster, the joins where they connect together would be a weak point...


Paul G.

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