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Re: UKHA2003 Video - DVD version - downloadable ?

Paul wrote:
> Gareth,
> There are two ways of getting it - DVD Video disc from Doogie, Don or
Ben (as per previous posts) or d/l from a yet-to-be uploaded on-line
source. The d/l was the subject of recent discussion but I don't know who's
going to do it - the file is around 1.3Gb !
> Paul.

1.3gb is nothing nowadays. I think someone suggested splitting the file
into several smaller chunks to help people on the slower connections tho.

My server is sitting there ready and waiting, all I need is for someone
to jump up and tell me they can upload the files and I'll setup an ftp
account for them to do so.

If you're going to uplpoad to me and people think it's a good idea to
split the files .. please do so FIRST as my server connection is fast
but my home connection isn't!!

Email me directly if you're able to split and upload. You'll get through
without any problems as I don't use RBLs.

Calum Morrell

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