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Re: [OT ish] MV1000's Dataprotection and being fined!

Andrew Brockhurst wrote:
> Not Sure, but I think this only applies to businesses.
> I have looked into the DPA for a friend of mine who is a Gunsmith, if
> logging data for your own use or for clubs and organisations (non
profit) you
> are normally exempt, unless you are recording financial/shopping
> Normally if it's business related you need to register.
> Must stress, I don't know alot about this. But also 1st Page of the
pdf last
> paragraph reads:
> "If you use a CCTV system in connection with your
> I think this was also discussed on a previous thread a couple of
months ago.

Not quite Andrew. NFP organisations are not exempt from notification
[not registration, lets be technical here ;)] they are subject to the
same constraints under the DPA as commercial organisations. Remember,
the DPA is there to protect your personal information, any body that
stores information on you will be required to notify unless the nature
of the data is exempt [solely for the purposes of invoicing etc].

A private individual does not require to notify unless under some
obscure activity. The safest way for a private individual to avoid the
need to notify while using CCTV or similar technologies is simple to
ensure no part of the public highway is captured. It could be argued
that a person willfully entering your property has placed their image in
the public domain [as long as any recording device is in plain view or
there is a sign on display] and as long as you adhere to the conditions
of the DPA for the data collected, you should be fine.

Calum Morrell

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