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Re: OT - Wireless communities

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: OT - Wireless communities
  • From: "mark_harrison_uk2" <mph@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 14:44:20 -0000
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx


I run a consume node, which _is_ listed.

I'm, at present, running a linksys WAP11 direct onto the LAN. Using
router-based DHCP server, and sharing a normal ADSL line. Not using
WEP. I don't broadcast the network name, but have listed it on

However, I live in a nice suburban cul de sac, and you have to be
parked outside the house to actually get reception... at this point,
the curtains twitch :-)

The plan (TM) is to replace the WAP11 with an 802.11g AP for internal
use, at which point the WAP11 will move onto a DMZ which _only_ has
external access.

The 802.11g AP will force encryption, and lock down MAC addresses. I
realise that even this leaves me open to MAC spoofing, but again,
note where I live. If Filbert (who is somewhat involved in the
nearest consume node to me anyway) wants to hack my WLAN, he can do
it while sitting in my lounge, drinking my coffee :-)

One day (TM) I'll actually do something about a proper community
WLAN, but for the moment, just a consume node.



--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, Matthew Keay <mjkeay@l...> wrote:
> Ello..
> Given the recent bulkbuys/etc and the fact its not been mentioned
for a
> short while i thought i'd bring this up again..
> Just wondering - a lot of ukha'ers have broadband + wireless, how
> share the connection in a / setup or at
least - how
> many of us are in the consume nodedb?
> If so - what kit are you using/what kind of firewall/authentication
> you using/etc?
> Matthew

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