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Re: [OT] Poor Sky Digital Reception

Hi Tim,

Yep, my box is the DRX100 from Amstrad. I have changed the receiver already
with no difference so the PSU upgrade is my next choice. My box also runs
very hot which I believe is the case with these units.

It was the Grundig I tried on my setup and it reported much greater signal
strength than what my Amstrad gave.

I am about 25 miles north of Aberdeen so in a much weaker signal area than

----- Original Message -----
From: Hawes,Timothy Edward (GEG)
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 10:29 AM
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] [OT] Poor Sky Digital Reception


I've got a Panasonic TU-DSB30 - this was the choice of expats because of
it's ability to pull in weak signals. I do know someone with a new-ish
Grundig and minidish waiting to be installed so that would be perfect for
swapping out components to test. Unfortunately he's not in the office until
next week.

Which model Amstrad ? My parents have a DRX100 and they were reporting
substantially better signal strength & quality last night (basically no
problems). They're in Essex, I'm in Hampshire on the Surrey / Hants border.
How about you ?

Fortunately I can relocate the digibox & TV to a spare bedroom and see
it from the dish. I'll make up a new, shorter downlead also so I'll see how
the testing goes tonight.


Tim H.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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