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RE: [OT] RoadPilot Bulk Buy?

T'is a bit pricey, but it's got EL backlighting and is finished in brushed
aluminium ;-)

Or you can buy the version with a radar horn as well, a snip at =A3795!

In fairness, the Geodesy I had was very good, and I think cost me about
at the time. Considering all the extra's this has got, it's still not a bad
price, if you like this sort of thing.

The upcoming functionality looks good too - they've just added the
Congestion Charge warning, and on the horizon is a Navigation add-on,
vehicle tracking, SMS and traffic info.

Besides, when has money ever been a consideration for this group?? I think
you're going soft ;-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Doogie Brodie [mailto:ukhad@xxxxxxx]=20
Sent: 27 May 2003 17:55
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ukha_d] [OT] RoadPilot Bulk Buy?

White, Peter wrote:

>Not sure if this sort of thing is of interest to you, but if I can get
>the numbers I've been offered 20% off RRP by Morpheous.
>Details here:
Wow.... 500 (Ok with 20% discount) for something that only deals with=20
speed cams.....?

I've been looking at getting a GPS voice navigation add on for my iPAQ=20
in the form of a Tom Tom Navigator kit, which has a 3rd party optional=20
extra of a speed camera lookout and announce thing.


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