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Re: Comfort Prices ?!?

While we (manufacturer) are not responsible for the prices on the UK=20
CHC website, I thought I should clarify the the CSM03 is actually a=20
dual sensor, ie there are two wired current transformers connected to=20
a printed circuit board which plugs into two adjacent zones on the=20
Comfort board. We changed to this type from the original CSM01 which=20
had one current transformer on a PCB, because with this new format,=20
the current transformer may be easily mounted even in an unaccesible=20
location and forgotten, while all the electronics are near the panel=20
where you can set the sensitivity of the current detection. There is=20
an LED to indicate that current is on and the zone is activated which=20
will be very useful when installing and setting up or=20
troubleshooting. This should be a very useful package for those who=20
need to detect current.

Cytech Technology

--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "Dean Smith" <ukha@e...> wrote:
> Been meaning to get round to putting a Comfort Current Sensor=20
Module on my Shower Pump (for the Extractor) for a while now. Just=20
went to the Comfort web-site and the price for the Current Sensor is=20
=A347! - I'm positive it used to be =A318.
> Now I'm all for paying a fair price for software/hardware which has=20
a large amount of R&D etc but a current sensor ?
> IMHO - Shooting themselves in the foot, if these were a tenner each=20
I'd buy a few more and doubtless end up buying extra expansion=20
boards - but not @ =A347+Vat each.
> Anyone got a simple circuit for a Current Detector ?
> Dean
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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