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RE: OT: 17" Powerbook Mac

One of the guys in the office has one, but other than looking the part, I
can't say much more about it.  Dell have just bought out a widescreen
presumably that's what you're comparing it with?

I know a fair bit about Dells from the support side, and they don't even
come close to the Apples in terms of build quality, but then again they're
usually half the price and come fully loaded, plus the 3 year NBD warranty
isn't a lot to pay. I'd choose the Dell on price alone, but if I wasn't
paying, I'd think hard about the Apple, though as I'm a Windows type of guy
I'd probably still plump for the Dell.


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Bond [mailto:chris@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 23 May 2003 20:05
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] OT: 17" Powerbook Mac


Anyone got one, and is it worth the money?  I need a new laptop cant decide
whether to get it or a dell laptop.

Kind Regards,
Chris Bond

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