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RE: RE: [XBOX] Buying Advice

When I looked into this, no one had seen 1.2 versions in the uk.  All
the new ones in the shops at the moment are 1.1.  You can tell by the
date of manufacture, but the obvious sign is when you open the thing up.
1.0 has a fan on the GPU as well as the back vent, where as the 1.1 has
a passive heatsink on the gpu.  The executer lite works on both though,
by setting a jumper. has detailed tutorials with pics.

-----Original Message-----
From: lee.taylor@xxxxxxx [mailto:lee.taylor@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2003 11:36
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] RE: [XBOX] Buying Advice


I'm going to wait until it arrives before buying the modchip as I
believe there are different variants like v1.0, v1.1 and v1.2 which only
work with certain mod chips. Anyone point me to an article on this, to
save me searching, I'd appreciate it.

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