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Re: Hosting multiple internal web servers behind a single IP

> Is there interest in me writing up how to do this as an article for
> Mark's site, or does everyone who wants to do this know how to anyway?

No :)
What there is interest in doing what I'm _supposed_ to do for the TiVo
which is write up:
Apache using subdomains
Apache using subdirectories
Orenosp using subdomains
Orenosp using subdirectories

The end result is the same - ie hide loadsa kit behind a single IP, but
has two advantages:
1/ It's secure
2/ It doesn't require Apache to be installed.

I know a lot of ppl will have apache installed, but equally, some prefer
IIS as
their web server - orenosp allows you to do this.

So Mark - please write up this comparison which I have not had the chance
to do
(partly coz my server running orenosp is a bit dead ATM) and then I can
blatantly rip it off and add it to the TiVo How-To :-)



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