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RE: UKHA2003 Tivo Clinic...

I didn't install the turbonet config tool onto the TiVo images I made...
(doh! - never thought of that, - it would have been a good idea in

To change the IP address I downloaded another CD ISO image, and burned a
bootable CD with it, which boots up into Linux, and has the nic_install
ready to use...

I can't remember what/where ISO I used, but I can no doubt find out for you
tonight when I get home, (if someone else hasn't already sorted it out by

Paul G.

>From: "White, Peter" <peter.white@xxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
>To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
>Subject: RE: [ukha_d] UKHA2003 Tivo Clinic...
>Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 15:15:22 +0100
>Great idea.  I've just change my laptops IP address and telnet'd in to
>(this is a minor miracle for a non-techie like me!).  I've entered
>nic_config_tivo at the bash prompt (bash-2.02#), but it says command
>found.  Do I need to download something to TiVo?
>Doogie Brodie wrote...
>  2 if you know
>what IP range the tivo is set to, (ask Paul Gordon!), you can
>temporarily change one of your machines onto the same netmask and give
>it an ip address, then telnet in, and run the re-config from the telnet
>session... to run the reconfig from telnet you want to run
>nic_config_tivo from the Tivo's bash prompt
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