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Re: Sky+ at node zero

This is the setup closest to what I want ... more questions inline.

--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "Paul" <p-gale@b...> wrote:
> Does the homenet offer a high quality video distribution system=20
like Kat5 ( using Cat5? I was under the impression they=20
just had an RF distribution system (which IMO is a waste of time if=20
you want good quality and are serious about video everywhere). Cat5e=20
can be used for sensors although I used screened 8 core alarm cable=20
as it's more flexible and easier to fit and was only slightly more=20
expensive than other cables.

Homenet just offers composite video.
> I have a pretty full and complex HA/Alarm system comprising:
> Comfort with second slave enclosure

Whats the second slave enclosure for?  The two UCM's?
> 2 x UCM's
> Smartfit heating system with Smartfit UCM

Now *this* is exactly what I want.  How does the Smartfit connect to=20
the CH and hot water system?  From the Comfort web site, it looks=20
like something is placed beside the HW tank.  What about the existing=20
CH timer/controller?  Does Smartfit replace this, or work alongside=20
it?  What wiring is required between node zero, CH=20
boiler/timer/controller, and HW tank?  My main concern just now is=20

> At least one PIR in every room (something like 18 rooms/areas)

How are the PIR's wired to node zero?  Cat5?

> Glass break sensors
> Cat5e absolutely everywhere (about 4Km ish)
> Extron video matrix switcher (composite and stereo)

This looks interesting?  Which model do you have? MAV 44 SV looks=20
good - it will switch 4 S-video inputs to 4 S-video outouts.  Who=20
supplied it?  I assume you connect the Kat5 TX modules to the output=20
of the Extron?

What if not all of your TV's have S-video?  For example, I have a=20
portable for the kitchen that just has an RF input and a scart=20
input.  Only the larger MAV 168 will work for both S-video and=20

> Whole-house audio

How is this distributed?  How are the sources controlled remotely.

> Whole-house microphone system (for voice recognition when the=20
software finally gets better!)
> Various video sources including Sky+ and Sky (freeview)

How do you control these remotely?  Kat5 doesnt have IR just yet -=20
thats why I was looking at the IP Homenet solution.

> Wired networking, wireless etc

This is the easy bit for me ;-)

> 5 CCTV cameras

What wiring is used for these?

> something like 16 Kat5 units (including RGB for the plasma)
> Motion detection system running under Linux
> HomeVision HA controller

Do you need the Comfort *ands* the Homevision?  Or, put another way,=20
what does Homevision do that Comfort doesnt?

> Lots of HA software running on server
> 40 X10 LD11's + AD10's in 3 54way enclosures for control of ALL=20
lights in the house

>From whay I understand, LD11's require a twin and earth to be run=20
replaced by a momentary switch.  Is there any other change required=20
to the light wiring?

> several phone lines distributed via Cat5e patch panels

What sort of rack do you have?=20=20

What do I need to look for when sourcing a phone-to-cat5 patch=20
panel?  I assume you would wire this in-series:  BTMaster->Comfort-

> The list goes on...
> Don't underestimate the time it takes to retro fit wiring like=20
Cat5e, alarm, audio etc - mine took me about 4-5 weeks solid (early=20
mornings and late nights) spread over several months - there was a=20
lot though!

I'm getting an electrician (plus helper) in.  It has to be done in 5=20
days, since he goes on holiday afterwards :-(  But this is really=20
only for the wiring.  I can spend time afterwards connecting it all=20
> Cat5e faceplates - I looked around for a long time to find the=20
right look - in the end I just went with an MK design which was plain=20
and OK - didn't get the best deal though although I bought rather a=20
> Heating - the Smartfit system is very good and links directly to=20
Comfort. I can control it via comfort, homevision, ACE or any other=20
system I want as it all talks to each other (after a lot of playing=20
and config!). Not the cheapest solution though.
> Lighting - I personally wouldn't go X10 for anything but lighting=20
(as X10 lighting is cheaper than C-Bus etc) although if I was doing=20
it again (next house!), I'd definitely go for something like C-Bus=20
for it's reliability of signals and status reporting (big downside to=20
X10) - is considerably more though. I have quite a big house and do=20
have several X10 'dead spots' that I've never been able to fix. I=20
recently connected the X10 transmitter directly into the X10=20
enclosures and now it's super reliable :-)

For cbus, what wiring is required to each light switch?  What is=20
rerequired at node zero?

> I've probably spent around =A320k for the infrastructure and=20
Comfort/HA controllers and that's with doing everything myself.
> Don't know if that's helped at all - feel free to ask more...

Yes, this has been very helpful!

It looks like I've got a lot of planning to do!


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