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Re: Re: TiVo

Brian G. Reynolds wrote:

> Yes you are right the last successful connection was Saturday 4th Jan!
> I can ping the IP okay, not sure if that indicates the correct subnet
> mask?
> How can I tell?
> I have the TiVo connected into a switch which in turn is connected
> into a Small business Server which is running ISA Server so I may have
> that configured wrong?
> I can access the web okay and if I click on
> "" I do get out to
> the site if that says anything?

Sounds like your netmask is set right, but your gateway is wrong, or
your ISA server is not configured to allow your Tivo's IP out onto the net.

If you look at your PC's settings and compare them with your Tivo's
settings you should be able to tell.
Bring up a command prompt on the PC and type ipconfig

Mine looks like this

IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :

Then look at your Tivo's settings.... depending on what utils you've got
on your tivo will affect how you do this....

Telnet to the Tivo
If you have tail installed, type

tail /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit

Otherwise.... erm.... /me goes to lookup standard linux viewing things
I think cat should be available on the box, so type

cat /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit

In the last few lines you'll see the networking setup.... mine looks
like this

ifconfig eth0 netmask up
route.tivo add default gw

This issues my Tivo with the an IP address, with the same netmask as my
desktop PC (and the rest of the LAN) and gives the tivo the gateway of
the same as the desktop PC.

If your Tivo data is the same netmask and gateway and format of IP
address as your desktop PC then it's probably an ISA configuration....
which I know f all about, sorry!

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  • References:
    • RE: Re: TiVo
      • From: "Brian G. Reynolds" <brian.g.reynolds@xxxxxxx>
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