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Re: Commission acts to guarantee UK Consumer rights under the Guarantees Directive

> The UK has done remarkably well in many sectors in keeping high-end,
> specialist manufacturing going. Everything from Rolls Royce, Bentley or
> TVR, to Linn, Meridian or B&W.

Aren't Rolls and Bentley owned by BMW and VW now?  Last thing I heard the
largest UK owned car manufacturer is the one that makes the black taxis!

> The mass-market, price conscious end is ALWAYS going to flow to the
> cheapest labour cost areas. That means that the US has lost its
> manufacturing to Mexico, and everyone is now losing to East Asia.

Exactly, and this will happen with the more up market products you quote
too.    Quite a few people don't realise that often the non-uk plants are
far superior too.  In clothing, engineering and countless other industries
the UK plants are "legacy" ones.  Where the plants in Africa, Asia etc are
brand new and state of the art.  Producing higher quality at lower prices.


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