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Re: turbonet / Tivoweb - what will it give me

Paul Gale wrote:
> As it's not recording a program in it's schedule I don't think the
> record button works at all??

Oh right.... :(

> My recordings are setup via manual block recording i.e. 2pm-4pm
> everyday, 4pm-6pm everyday etc etc etc.

Unfortunately at the moment, TivoWeb doesn't support any sort of manual
recordings, only EPG recording and season passing

Actually, come to think of it, I've heard people getting error messages
and problems because TivoWeb doesn't like non-subscribed boxes... don't
know if it's something they intend to change, or if it's a sort of
attack against non-subscribers...... the site for the guy who develops
it is

> Not sure about this though as I've not used it with the EPG at all. I
> think my only hope is some kind of hack?

I would imagine there would be some sort of hack you could do, but some
of it might require you to write some stuff yourself... which may or may
not be a problem!

The Tivo forums at are the best place
for video extraction and other similar hardcore hacking things which are
banned on the forums ;)


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