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Re: Where's my drill?

On 10 Feb 2003 12:52:39 +0000, you wrote:

>How the hell am I supposed to find my drill in all this lot?
It's at the back, in the bottom of the last box you'll look in..
Unless you really need it quickly, then you'll fight your way to the back,
search the bottom of the last box, and realise it's at the top of the first
box you shifted...


Overlord of the Stuffed Attic.
If it moves, I'll keep it..
If it stands still, I'll keep it..
If I want it, it's up there somewhere...

If I've not yet used it, it's not been kept long enough...

Any opinions voiced that are possibly contentious
   were not written by me.  Honest.  No, really!
Well, they might have been.  Or not.  Burble-Burble
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