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RE: [OT] iPaq wont work wireless :-(

Not quite what I meant, I was in a hurry...

I think this only applies to a server and W2K machines...

When a PC joins a domain, Active Directory(AD) creates a machine account and it is this that I thought might be full...

A matter of thinking aloud before I thought about it more clearly, the reset bit I thought might be more probable.

We use Ghost to build PC's at work and every so often we have to go into "AD Users and Computers" and clear down the used accounts from the Computers OU (organisation Unit)  to free the account's allowed so as to be able to Ghost more PC's but some times one of the errors displayed when all accounts are used up is unable to get an IP....

Sorry, I must pay more attention.

-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Doxey [mailto:ukha@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 09 February 2003 22:33
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: RE: [ukha_d] [OT] iPaq wont work wireless :-(

Client Licences ?

DHCP comes from the router.
If I plug a network card into the iPaq it gets an IP address assigned!

Tried a reset but that hasnt worked. How do you get an iPaq 3630 back to

I did the power switch reset and it lost all programs and user information
but the contacts were still there so it wasnt completely reset.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brian G. Reynolds [mailto:brian.g.reynolds@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 09 February 2003 21:08
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: RE: [ukha_d] [OT] iPaq wont work wireless :-(

Hi Keith, mine packed up at one stage but after checking all the settings I
did a reset of the iPaq and all is well.

Are you out of client licences?

All I can think off I'm afraid.


-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Doxey [mailto:ukha@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 09 February 2003 20:02
To: UKHA Discussion (E-mail)
Subject: [ukha_d] [OT] iPaq wont work wireless :-(

Repost of something I sent to the networking group a while ago but got no


Hi All,

HELP !!!!!

My ipaq wont work with my Orinoco card. Everything was working fine and then
it just stopped working.

I havent changed anything but it says that it cant get a DHCP address. I
have tried setting a manual address but it still wont work. I have
uninstalled the driver and reinstalled it but it still wont work.

Swapped cards with the Fuji and the Fuji worked but the iPaq didnt.

Both the Fuji and an old Tosh laptop are happlily woking wireless.

Plugged an NE2000 compatable network card in the iPaq and was instantly on
the network using DHCP.

iPaq 3600
Orinoco Wireless card same as used in my Fuji and Tosh
Netgear Access Point
ASUS ISDN Router happliy dishing out DHCP addresses to all other devices

Also, anyone know how to get the built in wireless working on a Tosh
Satellite Pro 4600 ?
Tried repeatedly on 3 different networks but cant get it to work, plug a
wireless card in the side and I can be on a network in a few minutes but
that defeats the point of having it built in. Yes I have operated the switch
on the side :-)

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