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Hager Tebis

Hello everyone!

I've just joined the group...quick intro and then a question or two.

I'm making major alterations to a house I've bought - no plaster on the walls (apart from the
kitchen), wooden floors not down yet, not yet wired for elecitricity (apart from temporary stuff),
that sort of thing.

There will never be a better time to install whatever wiring I want. The problem is, I've only just
"discovered" HA. So I'm learning and planning a lot in a short amount of time. At this stage, I
don't necessarily want to buy Comfort or HomeVision or whatever, I just want the wiring there for
when I do.

I'd like to distribute audio, video, IR, LAN, control the lights, heating, garden gate (when I get a
gate), garage door (when I've built the garage) and connect this up to a security system.

I'm planning on using CT100 coax, lots of Cat5e UTP, and maybe some FTP. But when it comes to
controlling lights etc, I'm trying to work out what system I might go with so I can choose the

I can find very little reference to Hager's Tebis system - - has anyone here any experience of this?

Clipsal's C-Bus looks more reliable than X10, but more expensive too.

Any words of wisdom would be gratefully received!


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