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Re: X10 Slow

> Is X10 known to be Slow, or is it because I am using Homeseer on a
> PC.

In my experience, it takes about 1 second for an X10 signal to be
transmitted by the PC.

> One example is I have a kitchen light that comes with a motion
> sensor.
> It is activated by an Event in Homeseer, Motion detected and it is
> after sunset.
> However you can get in the kitchen and back out again before the
> light comes on, probably 10 to 15 seconds later. The same happens
> with all of the others. The Front door is meant to turn the porch
> light on, but you are in the house before the light comes on.

If your motion sensor is an X10 device (such as the MS13) then you should
probably expect a delay of 2 to 2.5 seconds, as the motion sensor has to
first send out an X10 signal, Homeseer needs to process it and then send
out the signal to turn the light on.

Even with the delay in X10 transmission, you certainly shouldn't expect
delays of 10 seconds and over.

> Any ideas

As I don't currently use Homeseer, I can't suggest anything specific, but
plenty of other people on this list use Homeseer so should be able to
comment on things to check.
I use xPLHal <> to handle all my scripting, and with
hard-wired PIRs it takes approx. 1 second from the PIR being activated to
the light coming on. This includes logic to determine whether it's after
sunset, and whether the house is occupied or in security mode etc.



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