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wmp9 / myHTPC and empty folders

Hi All,

Put a new PC together to be my media server, reusing a mother board
I had lying around, put in a AMD 2400+ and 2 x 180 gig drives.

Anyway, on copying my windows media player collection to the
machine, and running myHTPC against it I discover several thousand
empty folders of the nameing style

Uknown Abum (30-06-2003 11-14-38)

These are in the artist directories, and there will be say 100 of
these in the bjork directory, all empty except the last one, which
contains a track by bjork but from a various album, MTV unplugged

I made the mistake of letting media player rearrange the files as it
matched information, this had destroyed several various type albums
and led to 100's of instances like above.

Windows media player ignores these empty folders, but myHTPC does
not, so I need to get rid of them.

You would think it easy to batch something like this up, but I had
great fun proving the contary.

Before I end up writing something in VC does anyone know what the
hell causes this, if it will go away and what the best course of
action is?

I did quite an extensive web monkey session on this and only found
one discussion on the same issue, where the microsoft tech said this
folder creation was something that was fixed in the next version
(was an old thread!)


PS anyone any thoughts on my shredder / RCD issue?

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