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Re: [Advert]


as some of you may know I have been clearing the effects of Active Imaging
and a couple of other companies - MV1000s etc.  I went back to the building
again today (with the Financial Director's knowledge and blessing) and
cleared a bunch more stuff.  There are things left which have little worth,
but I am sure you guys could make use of them:

Power Cables (3 Pin - Kettle type) some with foreign plugs - Hundreds
Spools of wire - 1mm (ish) diam many colours - hundreds
Crimp tools - various
connectors, heat shrink Blah Blah Blah.
Oscilloscopes (Spelling?) x 3
EPROM programming/clearing

There is also the mother of all server racks - about 7 Feet high (I have
some photos) with power blocks running down the back

The stuff I think worth the effort I will put onto Ebay, but is there a way
I could get a bunch of this stuff to you guys for general distribution.
Probably cash will not have to change hands (BUT I DRINK GIN!!!) and it
would be a sin to tip all this stuff into a skip.  I have to declare an
interest here and say that I think you are all more or less batty, but know
that at least this stuff will find good (if unconventional and
overly-automated) homes.

The booty is in Finchampstead - any ideas of the best way to go about
getting this stuff to you would be appreciated.

Mail me off list if you like.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Gale" <groups@xxxxxxx>
To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 9:13 PM
Subject: [ukha_d] ADSL here - anyone want satellite equipment?

My 2 Mbps ADSL line went live today (meant to be enabled next Wednesday)
don’t mean to p**s anyone off but it’s been a long time in
the waiting :-)

Now, anyone want to buy some 2 way Satellite equipment?


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