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RE: FYI: Xbox 'upgrade' info

A) Buy or borrow an Action Replay card and use a PC.
B) A pre-modded Xbox
C) Buy or borrow a mem card with what you need on it already.*


* Contact me OFF LIST and I'll point you in the right direction.

Quoting Sean <groups@xxxxxxx>:

> OK so how do you get he hacked savegame on a memory card?
> Do you use the action replay card or is there another way?
> Sean
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Justin [mailto:justin@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: 19 August 2003 16:00
> To: UKHA
> Subject: [ukha_d] FYI: Xbox 'upgrade' info
> my brother received his Chocollect Xbox last week and immediately
> it
> over to me for 'sorting out' ;-)
> I thought I would pass on my experience...
> To date I have upgraded several ver 1 & 1.1 boxes by flashing the
> onboard TSOP,
> this one however was a 1.2 which complicated the issue! If you are
> down
> the same route, hopefully this info will save you some of the hassle I
> had!
> I would be using the 007 agent under fire hack so needed to solder
> points
> on the mobo, but being a 1.2 box these points have moved! The ones on
> the top
> of the board are solder pads and were bridged with a single strand of
> tinned
> wire, this was easy enough.
> The points on the underside of the board are now 2 vias, which were a
> little
> trickier to bridge. If you are doing this hack, make sure you follow
> traces
> to the next via or component and check for continuity. By eye, it is
> very easy
> to think the points are bridged when they aren't!
> Having said that, this hack is still *much* easier than installing a
> modchip
> IMO and if you can borrow all the bits you need, free!
> *Important*
> The 1.2 Xbox only has a 256k EEPROM, whereas previous versions had a
> version. This means I had to replace the 1Mb BIOS image in the 007
> savegame
> (needed for the hack) with a 256k version. I chose Executer 2
> (Xecuter2_4976.02_MultiVer_256k). If you are planning to use Slayers
> you
> will need this BIOS version (or newer).
> The first attempt to flash the on board TSOP with the new BIOS failed,
> this
> turned out to be because the "savewithraincoat" executable
(which is
> part of
> the 007 savegame hack) was incompatible with the 1.2 box. After
> a
> newer version (0.501), all was well.
> The next step was to install a bigger hard drive, and then run Slayers
> 1.2,
> which was a breeze.
> Only having a 256k EEPROM means you can't fit switches to a 1.2 Xbox
> have
> multiple BIOS' (which is doable with 1 & 1.1 versions), this means
> won't be
> able to use the Live service, but there are other ways of online
> with
> your Xbox...:-)
> Justin.
> P.S. If you break you're legs, don't come running to me!

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