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Re: What the **** is going on!!!???

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: What the **** is going on!!!???
  • From: "alcinababe" <alcinababe@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 08:46:32 -0000
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "Keith Doxey" <ukha@d...> wrote:
> They are normal MCB's but here in the UK there are several types of
> breaker with different trip thresholds. (Cant remember the exact
> descriptions). The quickest type are used for most circuits but
there are
> slower ones designed for things like Motors which have very high surge
> currents. new fuse box has two lots of fuses one set are marked MCB
and according to the labelling (which is wrong because although the
downstairs lights tripped, the fuse that was off was marked "upstairs
lights"...hrmph....bloody electricians!) are the various light rings,
and the other set are marked RCD and are the various ring mains.

> Before I replaced my consumer unit I had a 5A cartridge fuse on the
> circuit and the only time that ever blew was when my outside light
died a
> horrible death.

Hehehe....before the rewiring, my entire house was on just two
cartridge fuses: one 10A for the entire lighting and one 13A for the
ring main - I had just one ring main and one lighting ring...for a
whole house!  The lighting fuse blew just the once also, again caused
by the outside light, but in my case the cause was the mains cable to
it being cut by nefarious little swines trying to nick my scooter.  I
didn't have any fuse wire and had to wander around in darkness for a
few days!

BTW....I'm still alive and the house isn't smouldering so I think I
can safely say that, all printed advice to the contrary, the Energy
Efficient bulbs *can* be used in the LM15 socket rocket units.  And I
believe that when an energy efficient bulb 'blows' it doesn't do so
with the 1000w flash that seems to take out the X10 units.  Which is
all rather marvellous!

Many thanks for all your advice and experience.

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