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RE: Re: What the **** is going on!!!???

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Re: What the **** is going on!!!???
  • From: "Kevin Hawkins" <lists@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2003 16:06:32 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

An appliance module controlling a light will be very reliable - but they
noisy when they operate (the click of the relay) - lamp modules blow their
fuses quite regularly when bulbs blow but they are easy to replace - but
WAF factor is low.  Typically when it doesn't work the bulb will be
replaced, thrown away again and then replaced again before you get
- so you go through double the number of bulbs - and another ' why can't we
just have ordinary light's' grilling.

I must admit I don't feel this fuse replacement issue is moving us in the
right direction - it just doesn't sit well in terms of the consumer.
Previously when a bulb blew you replaced it - then we moved to lower fuse
rated lighting circuits and included the possibility that a fuse or mcb
might have tripped too - but it was easy to realise as many lights went out
and something 'stuck out' in your fuse box. Now we have a fuse in each
based lighting device - and wall switches even plus all the other
possibilities too.


-----Original Message-----
From: alcinababe [mailto:alcinababe@xxxxxxx]
Oh poo!  I was thinking of replacing the landing light's LM15 with a lamp
Lamp Module on a handy chest of drawers.  It will produce enough light to
shine out of the window and make it look like someone's home.  Is the fuse
the Lamp Module easy to replace?  Would it be better or more resiliant to
an Appliance Module instead as I don't really need it to be able to dim?

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