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Re: Projects

Hi Graham

The plastic rack mount case im using is a 1u i think (about 30mm
high)....Not sure if you would fit the power stuff in there......

The rear of the case will be like made to suit the rear of Homevision +
FirM..So the boards are aligned to the rear......I was going to try and
make an adaptor board for both FirM + HV front panel leds but didnt really
like the idea of taking a soldering iron to my hv board...Noticed at work
on some PLC kit that had surface mount leds they used plastic stems to
bring the light from the leds to the front of the case...Tried it with some
pieces and it works fine...Just need to source some clear 4mm to 6mm
polycarbonate rod to use as led light extenders...So no need to remove any
leds....The plates are being engraved this week so will take some pics when
i get them...
The plastic stems will align with the leds and i intend to use some
heatshrink over the plastic rod and extended to cover the led........


----- Original Message -----
From: Graham Howe
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2003 7:45 PM
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Projects

Rack mount case for HV and Firm is something I want to do to. I assume
you will be extending the LEDs to the fornt of the case and the
connections to the rear? I would also like to have the power adapters
and the x10 module in the case and a single 'kettle lead' power socket
that feeds all three of them but I don't know how practical that would
be? Do you have some diagrams or early pictures available yet?


-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Mc Alinden [mailto:fmcalind@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 17 August 2003 07:17
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] Projects

Hi All
Just a little update on my Projects for those that may be

Firstly the homebrew video probes are working fine so far .. ;-))..Did
anyone have a go at making one??

The Probe Zone Hub hardware is completed and im currently testing  same
...Some code has been written (picbasic) and is looking good is
to make a switchbox to simulate HomeVision and write some more code and
test and then connect to Homevision for final testing...Will take some
pics when my engraved plates have arrived....

Another little project i have been working on recently is an enclosure
to house both Homevision + FirM ...Got the initial idea from Mark Mc
Calls when Keith put his Homevision in a rack case...Im using a plastic
rack case....Waiting on the engraved plates and also 6mm polycarbonate
rod (for my led extenders) to finish it off..Will take some pics when

More Soon


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