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RE: [OT] X-Box Lots of questions

How do identify which version it is so that Mr BaldBouncer can supply me
with an "upgrade" board.

Cor, I thought you'd go hardcore and just reflash the existing BIOS chip
Saves =A330 on a modchip and no dreaded D0 point to worry about...

Will I need to get the DVD Remote kit ? Tried to play a normal DVD and it
told me I needed the kit, is that still the case after upgrading.

You don't *need*, but operating MediaPlayer with a game controller is a bit
pants, so you'll want one :)

Is there an S-Video cable available ? I seem to remember that Des used an
S-Video cable at UKHA2003 but I only see composite or RGB listed on the

Advanced cable, some are going for 99p on Ebay...

Are there any "nice" kids games available that are suitable for
an almost 7
year old girl. Everything I have seen so far looks either violent or
aggressive and aimed firmly at late teens/adults.

My 3yr old loves, Transworld surfing and Nascar 2003 racing.... can't play
them for toffee but loves 'em.

Anyone know if a Dance Mat game is available or due to be available soon or
will I need to buy a Playstation as well.

DDR : Dance Dance Revolution coming real soon, along with the dance mat,
can't wait.... :)

Finally.... is there an "Idiots Guide to Hacking the X-Box"
similar to the
Tivo guides that have been used by so many on this list.

As stated before, tutorials are excellent, far too much
stuff to read, but all fascinating...


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