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[Advert] Significant upgrade to Harmony

We are please to announce the release of Version 3.5 Beta.  It is a
significant upgrade and contains the following functionality /

* MP3 server now has play by albums features along with support for CD
ripping software format files such as Microsoft Media Player.
* MP3 server can now be browsed by Album
* Harmony Startup & Shutdown internal events added
* Temperature monitoring greatly improved with triggers for hi/low
temperature readings and file logging
* Speech announcement system added (see Harmony.Speak)
* Macro language extensions added: Harmony.Speak - speaks a message.
Royalty free use.
* Harmony.Play, Harmony.AddtoQ, Harmony.Rewind, Harmony.FastForwards etc
added for control of MP3 system using macros
* Installation system overhauled for cleaner installations
* Manual significantly updated

Please let me know how you get on.  I am particularly keen to look at
the installation set, which has had much work done on it for
compatibility with 2000 / XP.

Have fun! :-)

Simply Automate - Bringing your home to life.
Tel: 01865 784 080
Fax: 01865 784 081

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Lamb [mailto:rjl@xxxxxxx]=20
Sent: 12 August 2003 15:07
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] Re: Broadband from Highway

Hi Rob,

I went from Highway to Broadband (Nildram) and you do have to cancel=20
your Highway and have the line converted by to a standard analogue=20
one (think it was about =A350). This requires (in my case) a visit by=20
a BT engineer to remove the Highway box and put in a standard master=20

Then I had to wait about 10 days for BT to update their records so=20
that when Nildram asked for a line check they got the right answer=20
(up till then BT were adamant that I was Highway still and kept=20
rejecting Nildrams request for broadband).

So in the meantime I had to rely on good ole' dial up - but it was=20
worth the effort.


--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "Rob Mouser" <rmouser@t...> wrote:
> Momentous occasion!=20
> Little old Bovey Tracey has reached its trigger level for=20
Broadband. No
> mean feet to get 250 old wrinkly people to register but we've done=20
> Just now need to wait for an activation date.
> Which got my mind thinking.......
> Anyone out there gone from Homehighway to Broadband? Am I going to=20
> to cancel my Highway and order a standard PSTN line?
> Many thanks
> Rob
>   _____=20=20
> Rob Mouser
> Director
> rmouser@T...
> 01392 206020
> 5 Cranmere Court=20
>        Tel:=20=20
> +44 (0)1392 206020=20
> Lustleigh Close=20
>        Fax:=20=20
> +44 (0)1392 206032=20
> Matford Park=20=20
>        Email:=20=20
> Enquiries@T...=20
> Exeter=20
>        Web:=20=20
> EX2 8PW=20
>   _____=20=20
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> completeness unless expressly stated to the contrary.=20
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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