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Velleman products

Hi All

This is my first post to the group - I've dabbled a tiny bit in home
automation but really have not got much further than I/R dimmer
switches at the moment!

The only other things I have at the moment are a SlimP3 player and a
3COM Audrey Internet appliance.

I'm looking at getting in to the whole HA thing in a big way and,
being both a bit of hobbyist and tight, I was looking at a Velleman
kit (the K8000) from Maplin as a starting point for central control
and as an alternative to the HomeVision.

It seems pretty good spec wise in that it supports digital and analog
I/O as well as an add-on which can be programmed to allow the kit to
be run independently from a PC.

Does anybody else have any experience with this kit? Or is it the
wrong way to go and maybe I should consider the HomeVision product

Any other pointers / reference sites would also be much appreciated.



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