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Re: Loftbox users?

One other thought that occurs to me...

ATM, LNB1 = normal viewing of sky channels, LNB2 = dedicated to sky+
recording to disk, (i believe), - correct?

(although I keep hearing rumours of a software upgrade to allow two-channel

therefore, it would seem sensible to put LNB2 through the loftbox, as in my
case, I only use the sky+ recording for timeshifting, and I don't actually
use it that much (mainly because TiVo gets 90% of what I want to watch
anyway). So my 2nd tuner in the sky+ box is idle a huge percentage of the
time. If there's is *any* degredation going to be introduced by splitting
the cable through loftbox, then I'd rather it was that one... Leaving the
first tuner in all its unimpeded glory to send the best signal available to
the plasma/AV Amp....

Paul G.

>From: Bruno Prior <bruno@xxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
>To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: [ukha_d] Loftbox users?
>Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2003 14:17:37 +0100
>I've just done exactly that (LNB1 via the loftbox, LNB2 direct). The
>picture's fine, but I am getting some sound breakup, compared to if I
>have the Sky+ box connected direct to LNB1. It's a hell of a long run,
>though (around 25 metres of cable from dish to loftbox and at least as
>much again from loftbox to intended location in living room), so it may
>be that which causes the problem. Is there any such thing as a booster
>for digital, that I could add to the line from the loftbox to the
>And as for distribution of the terrestrial signal - it's not that great
>in my area to start with, but by the time it's covered that distance
>the loftbox, it's either hopelessly degraded or so weak that the TV
>can't autotune to it at all (at least that's the only reason I can
>of why I don't seem to get any signal at all in some of the rooms). I
>need to figure out a solution for that.
>Paul Gordon wrote:
> >>Mines' under the floor Paul, no problems and its been there
for 2 years.
> >>you say though, useless for Sky+.
> >>
> >>K.
> >
> >
> > Well, not entire "useless" I hope?... I am presuming
that I will still
> > the LNB1 feed through the loftbox in the intended manner, and
this won't
> > affect the operation of sky+ in any way... It's just that because
the +
> > has 2nd LNB feed that the loftbox won't touch with a long sh*tty
> > just have to take that 2nd feed straight to the sky+ box, as I
> > normally do anyway...
> >
> > That's my intention at least...
> >
> > Paul G.
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