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RE: Loftbox users?

My main question was considering where to site it... I'm more and more
leaning towards locating it in my Node 0 (in the cellar), rather than in

There are a number of reasons for this...

I have a sky+ box in the lounge, and so I have 2 LNB feeds going to it. The
loftbox will only take one of those, so regardless of where I put the
loftbox, I still have to have a run going directly from the minidish to the
digibox... My feeling is I might as well keep the two runs together..

My CCTV camera is mounted at the front door. It's *very* easy to get it's
cable to the cellar (It's there already), but not so easy to get it back up
to the loft. The CCTV camera output is composite video, so to get it to the
loft I'd have a number of options: Modulator near the camera, then coax
up to the loft, or KAT5 TX in the cellar, over existing CAT5 to the loft,
KAT RX in the loft, then modulator in the loft... - extra expense, and
longer cable runs, - another good reason for putting the loftbox in the
cellar methinks...

Are you putting sky digital through it? - do you notice any degredation as
result? - I know that sky engineers always seem to "poo-poo" any
scheme that involves any breaks whatsoever in the LNB cable...

Another thing I just realised, is that by connecting the CCTV camera to the
loftbox in the prescribed way, I'll only have a modulated camera feed to go
to the TV's... - not much use to me in the lounge...  I'd like to split the
camera signal before it goes into the modulator and take a composite feed
to the AV amp in the lounge...


Paul G.

>From: "Robert Welsh" <bob@xxxxxxx>
>4-way box installed in my attic for 2.5 years....never had any
>Your mileage may vary, as they say - so if you've particular questions,
>fire away.
>	Robert

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