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RE: Air Con

Distributor is called Oceanair UK, and they deal in Fuji, Sanyo, Mitsubishi
amongst others. Fuji is the cheaper range, Sanyo also offers good value but
is aimed at the "quality" market, and Oceanair offer a resistance
for simple electrical interfacing of external controls - remote start/stop,
remote heat/cool control - offers interesting HA possibilities!!

Anyway, the director at Oceanair has good links with many contractors so
could easily offer a shortlist and maybe even equipment prices if required.

Neil B.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kenneth Watt [mailto:kwatt@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 13:26
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Air Con

> Finally, this will not be a diy install - you will need to find a
> competent contractor to handle this. If you can post your location I
> could get you a short list of contractors supplied by a A/C
> distributor I work with if this
> helps.

Neil, what brand/s is that as I asked this question of several A/C and
refrigeration suppliers and got sod all replies from them.


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