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[WANTED] Snails (aquatic)

Hi All,

I think I'm about to enter myself for the most stupid request to UKHA but
hell what are friends for.

Do any list members have either pond / aquaria, and if so do you have
? Would you be willing to part with some if you do (most fish tank owners
hate them).

Ok, so to answer the 2 questions that have arrisen.

1) Whats this got to do with HA, well the fishtank is in the process of
being automated
2) What use could snails be..... they actually make very good food for
certain fish, in my case brazilian freshwater puffers. They also serve a
purpose of keeping their teath trimmed, otherwise it's a trip to the vet's
to get said teath trimmed, a little bit like a rabbit I suppose.



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