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RE: X10 Wireless Keyfob/Keychain Modification

> Hi,
> I seem to remember someone out there modified the above to
> work with a door bell.

<HAND UP>that was me</HAND UP>
> Does anyone have any "dummy" instructions on how to do this.

Trial and error :-)

> Ive got the 2 wires from the doorbell and i opened up the
> case on the keyfob, and it has those rubber press buttons
> im not sure how to get the 2 wires from the door bell to make
> this keyfob button press?

With great difficulty.  You need to try to scrape the varnish coating off
the PCB so you can solder the wires in place.

> P.S. id also like the doorbell to work if possible

Ah, now there you have me :-)  Have had a few reliability problems lately -
dunno yet if this is due to dead batteries (only about 6 months old) or the
way it's mounted (I had to modify the physical mechanism on the bell push
and I had to guess how much to cut off the push rod).
It _was_ working fine until fairly recently.

Unfortunately, I am v.busy ATM & have to prep house (currently a builders
yard) for ppl staying @ the weekend.
I will _try_ to knock up a few instructions over the next few days.  If I
haven't posted anything say by mid next week then post a reminder and I
should be able to do it next w/end.


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