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Re: IR Question

> The extender I use is here:

I see it... so you can go directly to the bus from the serial port.

>> You can take the signal from the DTR pin and using a single
>> transistor with
>> the collector connected to the output of the IR receiver IC
>> (TSOP 17xx or
>> similar). This is all.

> Could you explain this a bit more? I'm looking to make the PC transmit to
> the bus

Ok.. now that I have seen your interface, this is what you must do:

- from the DTR line on the COM port through a 10K to 22K resistor go to the base of a NPN transistor (any type).
- connect the transistor emitter to the ground (together with the pin 5 of the COM port);
- connect the transistor colector to the left pin of R7 (2K) from your schematic.

..and.. this is all.... don't forget to put the application in DTR mode (TxD checkbox unchecked)
So all you need is a NPN transistor and a 10K to 22K resistor...

> I really want to take the optical part out of the equation

Now is out..:-)))


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