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Re: Re: I was petrol bombed last night ... security ques tions

Firstly thanks to all the messages of support from everyone - it is very much appreciated, and my wife and I were touched by your kindness.

Sorry for not replying over the weekend - but that was spent trying to
secure the property.

It was a harrowing experience last week, but we now think it was probably kids - and that takes away the sinister element which was the most worrying= .

This weekend, we almost finished the fence, and so access to the property i= s
much resticted.

After having a CCTV guy up tonight, and looking through all the suggestions= ,
and doing some thoughts myself, I have come up with the following

Security lights which come on dusk to dawn at low voltage (15W), and have a=
PIR detector and when detection occurs they come on at 150W.

8 x bullet CAM1 cameras from Maplins - B/W but low lux level of 0.1,
resolution of 380 lines. (discontinued range).

These cameras will then feed into a 2 "4 into 1" real time proces= sors, so I
can have 4 camera images showing on 1 screen at a time.

The output from each processor will then feed into a TIVO - therefore 2
TIVOs in total. I am not sure on the recording capacity of each TIVO - will=
look at that at in a moment. I did look at dedicated PC or the high end
Video LAN servers that some members suggested  - but I think stand alo= ne
TIVO should be fine if I can record more than 24 hours - if not I think I can upgrade the HDD - need to go to TIVO forums for that I suppose. Later I=
can add turbo net and then (wireless) network so I can archive footage if required.

Cost is reasonable - 8 cameras and 2 processors =A350 each, TIVOs =A399 eac= h,  8
Security lights from screwfix around =A315 each. Total (before cabling and<= BR> wiring) =A3820.

This is all theory at the moment, because I haven't wired it all in.

Any thoughts on the setup ?


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