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Re: CM12U - which port is it on?


Do you have another PC, or a laptop or anything?

You could connect 2 PC's together via their COM ports (using a null modem
cable), run a terminal proggie on each, and you should be able to type into
one and see the data on the other machine...

there also used to be a way to divert all console output to a COM port
DOS with a MODE command. (don't ask me what it was - it's been *far* too
long since I last saw/used DOS to be able to remember that!)

Paul G.

>From: "BUTLER, Tony, FM" <roaming@xxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
>To: "'ukha_d@xxxxxxx'" <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
>Subject: [ukha_d] CM12U - which port is it on?
>Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 10:31:12 +0100
>Got me an MRI 8 Port Serial Card for the new HA pc ( a shuttle SV25
>Can't seem to get the bugger to work though - Win2k has recognised new
>serial ports 3-10, but Homeseer doesn't seem to be saying anything to
>CM12 (or at least, nothing is getting through to the doorbell I keep
>to ring).
>Is there any software I can use to probe all ports and detect the CM12,
>even can I just use hyperterminal and try talking to it myself?  If so,
>settings should I use????
>Dunno if the card works/if it doesn't like win2k/if the CM12 is dead.
>Sadly, couldn't find any other serial device to attach :-(
>- Mice r PS/2
>- Pronto lead is MIA
>- Linn Direkor is too far away and don't want to chance it anyway
>there is a problem
>- Slink is in a box somewhere.....
>- Only ever used internal modems but now have cable modem.....
>this shouldn't be so hard :(
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