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CM12U - which port is it on?

Got me an MRI 8 Port Serial Card for the new HA pc ( a shuttle SV25 jobbie).
Can't seem to get the bugger to work though - Win2k has recognised new
serial ports 3-10, but Homeseer doesn't seem to be saying anything to the
CM12 (or at least, nothing is getting through to the doorbell I keep trying
to ring).

Is there any software I can use to probe all ports and detect the CM12, or
even can I just use hyperterminal and try talking to it myself?  If so, what
settings should I use????

Dunno if the card works/if it doesn't like win2k/if the CM12 is dead. 
Sadly, couldn't find any other serial device to attach :-(
- Mice r PS/2
- Pronto lead is MIA
- Linn Direkor is too far away and don't want to chance it anyway incase
there is a problem
- Slink is in a box somewhere.....
- Only ever used internal modems but now have cable modem.....

this shouldn't be so hard :(


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