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RE: Getting started with X10

John Poltorak wrote:
> I've only just discovered this list and hope someone may be able to
> me out in getting started with X10. I've never used it or even seen it
> use but would like to get round to finding out what is involved
> in setting
> it up.
> By my reckoning, all I need for a very basic starter kit is the
> following:-
> CM12U Computer Controller
> LM15  Socket Rocket
> AM15  Appliance Module
> Does this sound OK? How much should I be looking to pay?

It doesn't sound too bad. Prices vary depending on where you buy from and
you can usually save money by using kits rather than buying individual
items. It will cost less than £100.

You would probably be as well going for a kit of CM12+AM12+LM12 and then
buying the LM15 (socket rocket) seperately if you are planning on using it
for main lighting control rather than lamp control. You could also go for
the recent socket rocket kit to get you an RF controller and basic remote
control as well as the LM15.

Bear in mind that the LM15 has no dim capability so if you wanted dimming
you need to look at the LW10 (light wall switch) for overhead lighting
instead. The LM12 (plug in lamp module) will dim incandescent lamps.

> Is it possible to get a CM12U without any software at a discount? I
> use Windows so don't like to pay for something I'll have no use for.

The software shipped with a CM12 is ActiveHome. This software is free so
cost of the CM12 would not be affected by not having it.



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