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RE: OT: APS Camera Suggestions

> > > > many of dad's shots are landscape type things, and APS
> > does W-I-D-E landscape shots.
> > >
> > > Actually, it doesn't... It takes a normal shaped photo, and
> > > then they cut off the top and the bottom at the printers!
> >
> > Whatever.  The end result is a picture about a foot long by
> > 4? 6? inches high. I've never seen jessops or other such
> > printer offer that sort of facility on a standard 35mm print.
> Whatever? It makes a big difference. Think of it as pixels.

I meant "whatever" as in regardless of HOW it does it, the end result is
that you can press a button on an APS camera and get a panoramic shot a foot
wide.  Whether this was a result of a cropped image or an image in the exact
ratio is immaterial.

> Imagine if a
> widescreen image on a computer was made up cropping the top and bottom
> instead of extending left and right. Quality = crap.
> Also, the word 'enlargements' springs to mind.

Look, the guy is 70 - how good do you think his eyesight is gonna be anyway?
And quality is always subjective - otherwise we'd all have SLR cameras with
all the biz and there wouldn't be a market for point n' click cameras at all
- some ppl are just happy with a "good enough" image.

No offence to you guys, but I asked for recommendations on _which_ APS
camera to go for, not a debate on the merits or otherwise of APS.
APS has already been decided upon, so it is merely a matter of choosing a
camera.  This will not change.
If you cannot contribute to my original request, then please don't respond
to it.  This is OT of my OT posting!
I know all about SLR's, negative cropping in APS etc, I just don't know what
APS cameras out there are considered good/easy to use/value for money.



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