> Apologies if this is ON the consume website, but...
> I'm now running a consume node, and hope to get ADSL before Christmas
> Does anyone have a pre-written letter that I can drop through the
doors of my neighbours, explaining:
> 1: That they can have free Internet access
> 2: What they need to do (802.11b) to do it
> 3: That there are no guarantees on uptime / availability :-)
> 4: That there's no desktop support :-)
> M.
There was something on the old consume site about this, and was
traffic on the lists. Just had a quick look on the wiki but cant find
It's worth also adding content filtering into your "firewall"
(very bad
idea to give people unauthenticated, unrestricted access outbound!) -
way you can get people interested in the .. "we also filter adult
content!" type thing. hmm mind you saying that, its also a negative
for some :P
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