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RE: SKY box - grr!

Mmm...  trouble is, how do you (easily) get the information out of TiVo that
the programme is broadcast with black boarders top & bottom??

TiVo certainly doesn't support SCART widescreen switching, nor that data bit
that can be set in Line 23 of the video signal to set the televisions aspect
ratio :o(

-----Original Message-----
From: Timothy Morris [mailto:timothy.morris@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 09 October, 2002 17:30
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: RE: [ukha_d] SKY box - grr!

What you need then is the RGB2SVideo converter that John Sim never got
past the prototype stage on (I've got one of the prototypes 'cos it was
me who asked him to make it!) It has an additional board on there that
generates the DC offset on the chroma pin that provides widescreen
switching on Svideo. Most Jap and US tellies support it, certainly my
panny plasma does :)

Trouble is he's too busy to incorporate it into the main PCB, which
wouldn't necessarily be a good idea as it overloads some kit, therefore
he tends not to mention it.....


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