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Re: OT: ADSL isps

On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 08:57:49PM +0100, Mark Harrison wrote:
> Hi,
> The time has come to upgrade.
> Can anyone recommend me an ADSL ISP for home that has the following four characteristics:
> - Wires-only
> - Supports direct upgrade from ISDN (ie - through-ordering)
> - Cheap
> - Personally recommended.
> The hard bit seems to be the direct ug from ISDN - most still seem to want me to drop back to analogue and THEN do the line tests - the only one that I'm aware of that will do the direct is BT, and I don't want to go with them :-)

Hi Mark,

*** Off List ***

Before I go any further, I'm going to recomend the company I work for,
becuase they fulfill all your criteria :-)

I work for Plusnet ( and I can recommend them as both a
user & employee. I did have a few problems when I was with them, but
they were down to BT rather than Plusnet.

All the services are delivered via our portal, and as long as you have
some form of dial up (which you get thrown in with ADSL) you can use
that to make an entry in the "Contact Us" section rather than hanging on
a national rate phone line for ages (though we do have that too)

Have a look round and feel free to ask any questions ...

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