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RE: [ukha_d] RE: RE: Re: TiVo £98 Deal?

Of course, they could just halve the subscription for everyone, then we'd all be happy.


Scott Crowther
<> www.=

-----Original Message-----
From: Doogie Brodie [mailto:ukhad@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 1:52 PM
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: Re: [ukha_d] RE: RE: Re: TiVo =A398 Deal?

M McAree wrote:
> BUT TiVo have no way of knowing that I get a second TiVo, get a
> discounted Sub (because I have 2 boxes) and give the TiVo to my Father= .

Exactly what I was going to say. You can subscribe at the same address, use the same credit card/ direct debit details, but they don't have any way of knowing that you *are* using it at the same address and not that you're running a Tivo cut-down-subs reselling business (I need 150
Tivos, yes, of course I do!)  ;)

The only way they could tell is by the CID, but Tivo's dial up to a POP supplied by an ISP (can't rembember who... pipex or uunet or something) so Tivo can't get your CID themselves. Either Tivo'd need to set up
their own ISP POPs in every country they serve, or they'd need some way of Tivo's talking to each other in the house to confirm they were still in the same house......!

Or something......!

Doogie <http://www.automatedhome.=
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